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Article: Cocktail Hour: Prosecco & Pomegranate Spritzer

Cocktail Hour: Prosecco & Pomegranate Spritzer
Happy Hour

Cocktail Hour: Prosecco & Pomegranate Spritzer


The Cocktail:

Ingredients: Prosecco, Pellegrino, pomegranate seeds, lime wedges, fresh rosemary

Directions: Squeeze juice of lime wedge and place in bottom of glass.  Pour 1.5 cups (more as desired) of Prosecco over lime juice.  Add 1 tablespoon of pomegranate seeds. Top with a splash of Pellegrino and a sprig of rosemary.

 pomegranate cranberry spritzer, holiday cocktail ideas, rosemary garnish

loren hope studio, holiday cocktails, pomegranate cranberry spritzer, rosemary garnish


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